Friday, March 14, 2008
Starcraft II gameplay video
Here is the video (standard resolution). Be patient, it is about 21 minutes long.
If you want to see this in HD head over here.
The real treat is at the very end of the movie (if you like Zerg)...
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
First Zerg units in Starcraft II revealed
The zerg are a race entirely unlike the terrans or the protoss. They are composed of many different species integrated into the Swarm via zerg infestation. These creatures are rapidly and selectively evolved into deadly and efficient killers to further the driving zerg imperative of achieving absolute domination. The zerg make no use of technology to create their weapons, armor, or starships. Instead, these functions are efficiently fulfilled through biological adaptation and planned mutation of the zerg strains. Even zerg buildings are in fact specialized organs within the living, growing organism of a zerg nest.
When the zerg first arrived in the Koprulu sector, they were unified by their absolute obedience to the zerg collective sentience known as the Overmind. The Overmind ultimately directed the actions of every zerg creature in the Swarm, functioning through a hierarchy of lesser sentiences. The first and most important tier of these consisted of the cerebrates, each entrusted with direct control of a sizable section of the Swarm. The cerebrates' commands were disseminated in turn by the overlords, which directly ordered and controlled the mass of zerg creatures both in their nests and on the battlefield.
Although the Overmind was primarily driven by its desire to consume and assimilate the advanced protoss race, it found useful but undeveloped material in humanity. Taking a powerful terran psionic, Sarah Kerrigan, the Overmind evolved a new and unique creature: the Queen of Blades. When the protoss destroyed the Overmind during the invasion of Aiur, the Queen of Blades manipulated the dark templar into eliminating the surviving cerebrates. As a result, she came to dominate the Swarm.
After this I guess you want to see the new Zerg units. Now, back to the units. Not surprisingly, first two units are Hydralisk and Mutalisk.
The origins of Hydralisk are from planet Slothien. Before the Zerg assimilated them they were peacefull herbivores. Now they have a reputation. A one as vicious killers... Main "weapon" is the armor piercing spine. Hydralisk is using great deal of muscle power (total of 4000 muscles) to launch spines. A single spine will go through 2 cm of solid neosteel at maximum range. Recommended defense for Terrans - siege tank. A very handy feature of Hydralisk is burrowing ability (I've been using that a lot). Hydralisk is known for getting convoys by surprise or waiting for slow and vulnerable units to come close and then destroy them.
This is the flying force of Zerg. Mutalisk can attack targets both on land and in the air. This makes them quite versatile unit capable of good defence or attack. The primary attack is glave wurm - voracious symbiote that can rapidly strike at several opponents as it explosively disintegrates. In large numbers they can devastate a moderately defended base.
Now we have some videos to see how new units actually look like and how they operate.
Zerg vs Protoss gameplay
From GameTrailers here is the video of Zerg fighting Protoss. First half of the movie shows more or less standard destruction and burrowing of Hydralisk. In the second half you will see how Protoss got tricked into chasing remaining Zerglings just to find their own destruction by some new awesome powerful and self-destructing Zerg units.
Zerg vs. Terran
Here is how to trash the Terran army, again from GameTrailers. In the beginning there is a new unit, travelling underground and undetected by Terran infantry. They infect the barracks and then the carnage begins... Mid section of the movies shows another new unit defending the base -very efficiently against Marines and Vikings. Next, there is a new flying unit infecting several Battlecruisers.
From other source (GameVideos) comes a shaky cam of new Zerg trailer.
That is all for now. We expect a lot more soon...