- 16 new maps
- new mutator - Titan
- 2 new game types - Greed and Betrayal
- 2 new weapons - Stinger Turret and Eradicator Cannon
- 2 deployables - X-Ray Field and Link Station
- new vehicle - Stealthbender
- 2 new characters - Nova and Kana
New game types are intersting but they may cause severe cases of rage and swearing. Especially the Betrayal. Here is how scoring works:
Opponents have a score above their head, reflecting their value if the player gibs them. Current teammates are blue. Every kill by a teammate adds one point to the team pot, shown at the top of your HUD. Teammates can betray each other using the alternate fire of the rifle, which shoots a blue beam. Assassinating a teammate gives the assassin both the score over that player’s head, and all the points accrued in the pot. However, the assassin becomes a Rogue for 30 seconds, during which he is not on any team, and his former teammates can garner a score bonus for getting payback by killing him. The score above a Rogue’s head is red for his former teammates. Once the rogue timer has counted down, the rogue can join a new team. Daggers beside each player’s name shows the number of times that player has betrayed his teammates.
Even with the Titan mutator gameplay will change significantly. With this mod you can mutate into Titan with huge fire power but for a short time. If used wisely, this allows you to destroy enemy nodes in warefare. With smart timing one can mutate from Titan to Behemoth. Behemoth is huge with even more punch but it lives for only 30 seconds.
More details about the pack is availble on Beyond Unreal site and the review of hand-on of Titan pack on Planet Unreal site.
With this pack Epic is addressing at least one of the issues people have with retail version of the game - small number of maps. These 16 new maps will give us something to do over next month or so.