Friday, September 19, 2008

Diablo III new monster revealed - Dune Thresher

Diablo III seems to be doing just fine. It is quite far in development and according to some rumors it will be released before Starcraft 2. Apparently Diablo has a lot larger development team. Good news for Diablo fans, not so good for Starcraft.

Back to this beast. It hides in the sand and looks it is quite fast. It charges quickly to it's pray.


It is very sensitive to vibrations and sounds.

They'll jump right up onto these rocks and drag you down. An experienced hunter could survive an attack, but someone like you will be lunch if you keep stomping around here, making all that noise.


Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Starcraft II - Terran gameplay short video have a short trailer of Terran base under attack from Protoss (Colossus). It is only one minute long but it shows a level of details in game and pace of the game, not created for a demo purpose. There are some audio commentaries from observers (as usual everybody think they knows what to do better than the guy playing the game).



You can also notice he had some trouble with resources. It would be nice to have some longer footage.


Somehow I missed another video, this time it is an interview with Frank Pearce, VP of product development. It does not reveal any new information but summarizes Blizzard's vision and the goals for the game. As expected they are not announcing release date.