Thursday, July 2, 2009

Starcraft 2 update

There are some interesting news and updates of Starcraft II. Some of these mentioned here are not the latest but are still interesting enough.

Here at Press 2 Play TV is an interview with Dustin Browder, lead designer for Starcraft 2 and Chris Sigtay, lead producer. Topics covered include engine development (from ground up) including graphics engine, reasons for splitting up the game in 3 titles. There are some hints about single player missions:
  • holding off hordes of infested colonists
  • walls of fire burning across the map
  • surviving supernova
Soundtrack and music is also discussed, beta testing, release date…
At the moments audio quality is not too good but you get a lot of info for 17:25 of an interview. Q&A Batch 52
Theme for this batch was Map Maker. Some of the key points:
  • support for custom function definitions, including actions and conditions in Trigger Editor
  • entirely new scripting language called Galaxy. This language is very similar to C.
  • map makers will have the ability to define any number of custom attributes that modify a hero based on its level

Dev talk
Inc Gamers interview with Rob Pardo, Dustin Browder and Chris Sigtay reveals some interesting features :
  • Development of new
  • possibility to create mods - "It's EXTREMELY complicated, but it's possible".
  • No support for LAN
  • noob friendly game for casual gamers (view of tech tree, detailed replay, challenges)

Technology tree
Yesterday a couple of sites has shown technology tree for SC2. One of sites is Kotaku.
I guess comments are not really required, so here they are.


