Friday, January 30, 2009

Take Starcraft class at Berkeley

Berkeley College is offering serveral courses that are a bit out of the ordinary. These are part of the Democratic Education in Cal and the one in particular is Starcraft Decal '09. In this course students analyze different aspects of the game theory, from units, stuctures to different strategies. Don't be fooled, you have homework to do! Not that may take long to finish but it is a homework.

As part of the class students will review and discuss some Starcraft matches.  The complete syllabus is available and here is descripion of the course:

UC Berkeley students with an interest in real-time strategy games and the competitive gaming landscape are encouraged to participate in this class.

This course will go in-depth in the theory of how war is conducted within the confines of the game Starcraft. There will be lecture on various aspects of the game, from the viewpoint of pure theory to the more computational aspects of how exactly battles are conducted. Calculus and Differential Equations are highly recommended for full understanding of the course. Furthermore, the class will take the theoretical into the practical world by analyzing games and replays to reinforce decision-making skills and advanced Starcraft theory.

Class will start with lecture and usually include a special discussion topic having to do with the day’s lecture to inspire new and original thought. At the end of lecture, there may be time to analyze student-submitted replays to illustrate a point or to improve analysis. Homework will be assigned at the end of each class and is due at the beginning of each lecture.

If you wondering why Berkeley is offering such course read the objectives and goals:

What may look like complex topics are just ways we want you to think more deeply about the game to derive a greater satisfaction from playing. Furthermore, this understanding should have applications in real life, to further synthesize new information from limited inferences. The primary goal is for students to learn, enjoy the art of competitive StarCraft, and have fun. Overall, students will be applying critical thinking, quick decision-making, and game theory skills throughout the sessions. Students will also learn what to look for in a replay or game to learn most effectively.

Study at Berkeley can be fun and you can get credits for it!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Starcraft II update

First of all, Happy New Year!

It was a nice three weeks long holiday break and very few interesting things have happened in Starcraft II arena.

First one is availability of first Battle Report - shoutcast of deathmatch between Starcraft II game balance designers. The video is available
here and it is just over 21 minute long. If you want to watch it off-line you can download it too. The match is between Protoss and Terran.

In the case you wonder, Protoss was the winner.

The match was played on this map
and you can also see high yield yellow mineral fields harvested during the battle.

Second news is for Protoss fans. You can cast your vote which model you want to see in the game. There are two designs and three options.
Option/Design 1

Option/Design 2

To cast your vote go here. My vote goes to option 3. It is great to see companies still care about customers (gamers) and value our opinions.
Option/Design 3 - have both availble in game and let the player choose.