Saturday, May 24, 2008

New Zerg unit revealed - Baneling

After over two months of waiting here is a new Zerg Unit - Baneling. This is not the first time we saw this unit. It was shown in gameplay videos but that was about it.


Now we know more about this unit. Here is official brief about it:

At first the baneling was identified as an unstable zerg mutation of an unspecified genus. Subsequent observations have revealed it to be a morph of the zergling, the most numerous zerg subtype.

This is a good, very good news for Zerg players. Zerglings are cheap unit and can be produces in large numbers. This is giving a great opportunities for some aggressive gameplay.

As expected there has to be a downside.

Zerglings have been seen entering a brief chrysalis phase before emerging in their new form.

I guess during this phase chrysalis will be reasonably vulnerable and they will have to be defended by units like Hydralisk.


Banelings can be exploited as very effective offensive unit. Since they are produced from Zerglings potential numbers can be huge. Of course they have to be used wisely since they self-destruct and in the process produce a lot of damage to units and buildings. Combine this with burrowing and you are in for a treat. Just imagine a choke point with dozen or more baneling burrowed and second after a convoy of Terran tanks passes Bunelings pop up from ground and waste all tanks... 

These living bombs are highly effective against both structures and ground forces; in fact, a clutch of them is capable of wiping out a group of vehicles and infantry in the blink of an eye. The banelings' lethality is further enhanced by the zerg predilection for burrowing. An apparently safe area can soon turn into a deathtrap as these monstrosities emerge and roll into the midst of their foes, giving them virtually no time to react.


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